Gotta Groove Records

Gotta Groove Records

Record Pressing Specialists – The Best Sounding Records On Planet Earth.

Posts Tagged ‘SXSW’

Vinyl Records 3.0 Challenges and Rewards

Official SXSW panel announcement!

What is the role of vinyl LP in current acts in the marketplace today? The purpose of this panel is to explain and show in depth the role of vinyl in the music marketplace. Panelists will discuss vinyl as the most important tangible music medium. Following explanations of why any band or artist should produce vinyl and which acts are more likely to benefit and why they will benefit from pressing vinyl, they will walk the artist through the process of production including options for customizations; including coloring, cutting, time expectancy, pricing, self-marketing, and selling at the independent retail level. The explanation of the edge that vinyl has over any other music medium in the marketplace today as well as the pros of producing vinyl in an mp3 dominated music medium era will be addressed.

If you are going to SXSW, be sure to hit it up!  There are also a couple of other panels covering various facets of making records.  Read more at

SXSW 2011 Panel Picker Launched

The folks at SXSW just launched their PanelPicker online, which allows for anyone to vote on topics they would be interested in being finalized as panels at SXSW 2011.  Voting is live until August 27.

GGR submitted its own panel proposal, and you can vote for it here. (you’ll have to register for a FREE panelpicker account first)

Regardless of whether you plan on having a record pressed here at GGR, or by any one of the fine pressing plants around the world, we feel strongly that the topics we proposed will be helpful to anyone — new or veteran — wanting to get records pressed.

Here is a description of our proposal:

With the recent increase in the number of albums being pressed on vinyl, there is more interest now than in a very long time among bands and indie labels on how to press their own records. Many of these bands and labels have been raised during the “digital generation”, and therefore can find the process of moving their music to the analog vinyl format challenging. In particular, music that has not been mastered specifically for the vinyl format can sound horrible– clips; distortion; and in some cases, skips can ruin the end listening experience. This panel introduces those who are interested in having their own music pressed on vinyl to the process and limitations of the format. From the very limitations of the analog sound spectrum, to the inherent specifications of those flat black circle discs– this panel will discuss every technical aspect of pressing a vinyl record from the start to the finish and all in-between.


  • Do I need to prepare a master specifically for vinyl; and if so, what are the specs?
  • Lacquers, Stampers, Reference Acetates, Dub Plates, Test Pressings — what do all of these terms mean, and where to they fit into the process?
  • Does 33.3 or 45 rpm matter?
  • What is the longest side length I can fit on a 7″ or 12″ record?
  • Analog vs Digital masters — does it really matter, and if so, why?
  • Q&A Session covering all things vinyl
  • Remember– voting closes on August 27!

    Customer Highlight: The Felix Culpa

    We are proud to have just finished pressing The Felix Culpa’s new double LP, Sever Your Roots.  This record was pressed on both black and clear wax!  Pick up a copy today here — all copies come with a digital download code.  You can also stream four new songs by the band! 

    Gotta Groove Records is also proud to announce that The Felix Culpa will be playing live at the GGR SXSW Showcase at Trailer Space Records in Austin, TX on Friday March 19 between 7pm and 10pm.  If you are going to be around, definitely stop by and check these guys out!

    Custom Record Pressing

    -Professional mastering and cutting
    -High quality plating & pressing
    -Unsurpassed quality control
    -Custom printed packaging
    -Distribution/fulfillment consulting
    -Responsive customer service

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    We want to press your next record.

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