Gotta Groove Records

Gotta Groove Records

Record Pressing Specialists – The Best Sounding Records On Planet Earth.

New Record Pressing — Laura Cocks

New record pressing – Laura Cocks – Fathm.

FATHM isn’t so much an album as it is a question—a pause in the middle of a conversation no one’s having, but everyone’s pretending to understand. It asks nothing of you, but demands your presence, your ear, your breath. The flute, a tender and fragile instrument, becomes almost otherworldly—like a butterfly in another dimension with teeth, or a marsh wren that screams only in windings. It speaks in fragmented thoughts, tracing edges of longing, absence, and memory. Each note emerges from a distant place and dissolves just as quickly. It’s both the sound and the space between it, the breath before it, and the quiet that follows.

(Gotta Groove Records offers vinyl record pressing and EcoRecord manufacturing for independent labels, musicians, and artists – this post features one of the many records pressed at Gotta Groove in the past month).

Custom Record Pressing

-Professional mastering and cutting
-High quality plating & pressing
-Unsurpassed quality control
-Custom printed packaging
-Distribution/fulfillment consulting
-Responsive customer service

Big Plant Capacity
Specialty Shop Quality & Service
We want to press your next record.

Contact Information:
(800) 295-0171
[email protected]

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