Gotta Groove Records

Gotta Groove Records

Record Pressing Specialists – The Best Sounding Records On Planet Earth.

New Record Pressing — Kinski

New record pressing — Kinski – Stumbledown Terrace. Back to their original power trio roots following full-lengths for Sub Pop and Kill Rock Stars, cathartic riff riders Kinski have been reconciling the tension between measured sonic experimentation and massive song structure for 25 years. Step with them now into Stumbledown Terrace.

Recorded by legendary producer Tim Green at Louder Studios.

(Gotta Groove Records offers vinyl record pressing and EcoRecord manufacturing for independent labels, musicians, and artists – this post features one of the many records pressed at Gotta Groove in the past month).

Custom Record Pressing

-Professional mastering and cutting
-High quality plating & pressing
-Unsurpassed quality control
-Custom printed packaging
-Distribution/fulfillment consulting
-Responsive customer service

Big Plant Capacity
Specialty Shop Quality & Service
We want to press your next record.

Contact Information:
(800) 295-0171
[email protected]

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